Grotto of Catullus are the ruins of an ancient roman villa, located on the shores of Lake of Garda, north of Italy.
Grotto (or Grottoes) is the name used in the Renaissance for collapsed ruins conquered by vegetations, and in Italian language can be easily mistaken for “caves”.
Lake of Garda is the biggest lake in Italy, and an amazing place for both cultural visits and leisure one: Sirmione is a fortified town on the southern shores of the lake, and definately one of the gems of the region. Once you park the car outside the walls, you will walk in a submersed castle (Scaliger Castle), before entering the small alleys of the town. The Sirmione peninsula ends with a lot of vegetation, SPA and top luxury hotels.

Grotto of Catullus peninsula
These amazing ruins are dated over 2000 years ago, and the villa belong to the Catullo family, the famous Latin poet that died in 54 B.C. Some mentions of him living in the area have been founds in its poems.
The archeological site is build on the tip on the peninsula, right on the cliffs and shores. The shallow waters and rock underwater create a spectacular color of the waters, and it really seems a tropical sea instead of a Lake. Which makes it a VERY popular destination in summer time. (HERE the official website with hours of openings)

color of shotes on the tip of peninsula

Aerial View
Tips for photographers: the castle at the entrance of town is lighted in the morning, while the Grottoes of Catullus is perfect at sunset. All shots here have been taken at sunset time (30 minutes before sunset).
A perfect trip combination is visiting Sirmione and also the Hermitage Madonna della Corona, which will be max one hour from Sirmione, you can find the story in my previous article HERE.